
UB Group acknowledged Timi Gleason’s inspiring journey in their virtual event

UB Group (Unified Brainz) celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example with resilience, diligence, and perseverance on the occasion of World Environment Day on the 5th of June 2022. The launch showcased the first edition of the unique dark mode Coffee Table Book, "Who’s Who of The World," which was unveiled during its virtual event. This exquisite ceremony saw the presence of trailblazers from various industries who have scaled massive heights of success and have shared their passion journey. Timi Gleason, a Top Leadership Coach in California, is one of a kind. She has worked in Human Resources large corporations, is a Strategic Planner, an Organizational Development professional, and has several published books on Amazon. Her most recent book is  Becoming Strategic: Leading with Focus and Inspiration.  And Timi iscurrently co-authoring a book on Conversational Intelligence and has plans in 2023 to write a book called The Art ...

Dr Durga Prakash Devarakonda was exultant having won the praise by UB Group in the event

Unified Brainz celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example with resilience, diligence, and perseverance on the occasion of World Environment Day on the 5th of June 2022. The launch showcased the first edition of the unique dark mode Coffee Table Book, "Who’s Who of The World," which was unveiled during its virtual event. This exquisite ceremony saw the presence of trailblazers from various industries who have scaled massive heights of success and have shared their passion journey. Dr Durga Prakash Devarakonda is a classic Indian success story - Born in rural Andhra Pradesh, he went on to create a record as the youngest Indian to complete all Microsoft certifications at the age of 21, even receiving an award of appreciation from Bill Gates himself. In the next 25 years, he pioneered Digital Solutions in Senior Leadership Roles across various Global Conglomerates, and today, he’s paying it all back by sharing his insights with ...

Dr Ignace Niyigaba makes his glorious presence in Unified Brainz’s virtual event

Unified Brainz celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example with resilience, diligence, and perseverance on the occasion of World Environment Day on the 5th of June 2022. The launch showcased the first edition of the unique dark mode Coffee Table Book, "Who’s Who of The World," which was unveiled during its virtual event. This exquisite ceremony saw the presence of trailblazers from various industries who have scaled massive heights of success and have shared their passion journey. Dr Ignace Niyigaba can be perfectly summed up in one word - ‘Revolutionary’. A young and dynamic powerhouse with interests in mining, education, agriculture among others, he has emerged as a leading figure in his home country of Rwanda. With an annual business turnover of 30 million USD, Ignace features prominently in Rwanda’s wealthiest mineral dealers list. However his story began in a small neighborhood in Musambira sector of Kamonyi District in ...

Dr Milan Krajnc  earned the title of being a remarkable global leader in the event

Unified Brainz celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example with resilience, diligence, and perseverance on the occasion of World Environment Day on the 5th of June 2022. The launch showcased the first edition of the unique dark mode Coffee Table Book, "Who’s Who of The World," which was unveiled during its virtual event. This exquisite ceremony saw the presence of trailblazers from various industries who have scaled massive heights of success and have shared their passion journey. Struggles lead one in two directions- total failure or full-blown success. Dr Milan Krajnc is from the latter category of people. A troubled childhood disrupted by alcohol and violence could break one’s spirit to fight for a normal life, leave alone a successful one. But Dr Milan fought back by escaping into sports and writing. Writing songs & short stories and coached track and field of 200m and 400m kept burning the passion of becoming a winne...

Dr Parin Somani exemplifies the qualities of being a powerful leader

UB Group celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example with resilience, diligence, and perseverance on the occasion of World Environment Day on the 5th of June 2022. The launch showcased the first edition of the unique dark mode Coffee Table Book, "Who’s Who of The World," which was unveiled during its virtual event. This exquisite ceremony saw the presence of trailblazers from various industries who have scaled massive heights of success and have shared their passion journey. A life dedicated to the upliftment of society, Dr Parin Somani is an Independent Academic Scholar, International Motivational Speaker, Educator, Writer, Author, Journalist, Humanitarian and Philanthropist. She is the epitome of perseverance, grace and compassion as she has been working tirelessly for a positive change in society for more than 35 years. With Five World Book Records of Achievements and Six Doctorate degrees, she is the grandmaster in her fi...

Dr Saskia Harkema was honoured by Unified Brainz as an international leader transcending barriers

Unified Brainz celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example with resilience, diligence, and perseverance on the occasion of World Environment Day on the 5th of June 2022. The launch showcased the first edition of the unique dark mode Coffee Table Book, "Who’s Who of The World," which was unveiled during its virtual event. This exquisite ceremony saw the presence of trailblazers from various industries who have scaled massive heights of success and have shared their passion journey. It is difficult to describe Saskia Harkema in a few words, and even more difficult to pin down. A great educator who serves as a role model for many. As the title says, Saskia actually works day and night to bring a wave of change, a ray of hope in everyone's life, which is why she is adored by all, men, women, and youth alike. Saskia was born in the Netherlands to Dutch parents, but she spent the first 17 years of her life in South America - Br...

On World Environment Day, UB Group acknowledged Dr Ann Moir Bussy during their spectacular celebration.

Unified Brainz celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example with resilience, diligence, and perseverance on the occasion of World Environment Day on the 5th of June 2022. The launch showcased the first edition of the unique dark mode Coffee Table Book, "Who’s Who of The World," which was unveiled during its virtual event. This exquisite ceremony saw the presence of trailblazers from various industries who have scaled massive heights of success and have shared their passion journey. Dr Ann Moir Bussy is redefining what it means to follow one’s heart at any age and stage in life. She is a counsellor, teacher, guide, and life coach and her wisdom is making a tremendous difference in people’s lives. Her distinct ability to listen and reach out to people has made her a resounding success. She highlights “So start your own conversation with life, live with compassionate self-acceptance. And let that love flow into your life and your...