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Flora Saini’s latest film ‘Chaddi’ is asking the right questions about female sexual liberation

After Gandi Baat, Fraud Saiyaan and Inside Edge, actress Flora Saini is back with another stellar performance in her latest short film ‘Chaddi’ streaming now on the Gorilla Shorts YouTube channel. Chaddi is a new age take of the bored housewife story where she is trapped in a loveless and sexless marriage with an overbearing husband, played superbly by the acclaimed actor, Nitesh Pandey. Flora’s character, interestingly called Mrs Chaddha, faces a major upheaval in her otherwise boring life when a man’s underwear falls on her balcony. From there starts a saga of the fantasising and comic search for the ‘Chaddi’s’ owner which ends in her discovery of some unexpected truths about herself and her own life.  Naturally, Flora burns up the screen with her glamorous appeal, but make no mistake, she’s a powerhouse of talent and matches Nitesh’s nuanced performance at every step. Together they are both funny, charismatic and share weird chemistry of a couple who are completely out of sync.